Sunday 3 August 2014



Hello Folks

I am President Gary Milne of The Milne Foundation along with my many followers across the world I plan to put back womens rights in civilised countries across the world back 150 years.

I will see to it that a woman's place is in the actual home doing what they do best and that is being a good housewife doing what she is good at being a good housewife and homemakers

Women are better at being housewives instead of trying to work in a world which is ruled by men.and there is no way women can do the same job as men and expect equal pay.

As it is written in the bible that God created Adam and to keep him company and to cater for his sexual needs God created Eve,both Adam and Eve mated and started a family.

While Adam the great hunter went out to hunt for for food Eve stayed at home looking after the children and giving them moral guidance and teaching them the facts of life.

This is the 21st Century where the world has evolved and women are required to be doing what they do best is being a good housewife and a homemaker

In the morning she gets the children fed and dressed for going to school and getting the breakfast ready for her husband who is her lord and master and as the marriage vows state that she must love honour and obey her husband

The loving wife will take the children to school and then come home again and do some housework which she is very good at being a domestic goddess.

She will then go and do her daily shopping for the household needs
and then comeback and do more housework and getting the dinner ready for the evening meal she will require to go and pick up the children at school

She will  get the children fed and into bed she will have the dinner ready for her darling husband her lord and master coming home she will have his evening meal ready for him and for the rest of the evening she will cater for his sexual needs

This is what a woman is good at is being a good housewife and Eve was designed by God to cater for all of Adams   all of his sexual desires and needs after a hard day at work

As this is a man's world and when I come to power when a Man and Woman marry she will be his property and she will do what is requested of her by her husband

If her husband wants her too wear a chastity belt when he goes out she will have to wear it just in case she is having an affair with another man behind his back,

Also if a Woman's husband wants her to wear a burka and walk five paces behind him if he walks down the street she will have to do it as she married her husband and is his property,

Women will no longer have the right to vote at general Elections/Scottish Elections/EU elections and Local council Elections as this a mans world it will be the men that will decide
how this world is run

President Gary Milne

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